What questions will help you figure out if you are dealing with a Full-Time Professionals?
Here are some questions that will help you figure out if you are dealing with a Full-Time Professionals.
First and foremost, are you free for my wedding date? Are you overbooked consistently or are you readily available?
Are you able to meet my needs and expectations in regard to my dream wedding?
How often do you update your equipment, and what is your backup plan? (Most Full-Time DJ/Photographers will update their equipment every two to three years if there business survives long enough. Starshield for example never stops updating and upgrading our software and hardware due to our bosses affinity for making our employees lives easier and perfecting our efficiency. Whether it be new mixing software, constantly upgrading the speakers and subwoofers, photo-booth props ect …
How many people work for your company?
How is your staff trained, and educated? (Did they just start being a DJ by learning over YouTube or by hand, or buy a Digital Camera at Best Buy and started calling themselves a Professional to get business?)
Do you have any Recommendations, Referrals, and Reviews? (Most Professional Companies are Recommended by MANY Venues, other Vendors, and a long list of past clients)
What is your backup plan in case the DJ/Photographer/Photo-booth attendant is unable to make the events for a litany of reason i.e. accidents, injuries, unfortunate events (The company should have an On-Call Staff of Employees)
Do you have Professional Written Contracts? (at least reviewed by a lawyer)
Do they have an Online Planner, to help with your planning process and take the stress out of planning your wedding?