Wedding activities that will blow away your guests
Non-Traditional Activities
Mix up the night a bit with a couple of different ideas to make guests remember your big day and help fill the gaps of traditionally slower times of the evening.
Shoe Question Game
The bride and groom are seated on chairs in the middle of the venue, back-to-back. Both the bride and groom remove their shoes and exchange one so that they are both holding one of each shoe. The bride will have one of her shoes and one of her partner's shoes. The groom will have one of his shoes and one of his partner's shoes. During the game, a series of questions are asked, and the answer is either "the bride" or "the groom." The bride and groom answer by holding up the shoe of the correct answer. For instance, if the question was "Who usually cooks breakfast" and the answer is the groom, they should both hold up the groom's shoes. You can either plan the questions ahead of time and have them written down somewhere, have the audience shout questions out, ask the guests to write questions down on paper, or use a combination of all three methods (though that could get a little chaotic).
Centerpiece Giveaway
Have one person from each table take out a dollar. The DJ will explain that each time the music plays they will pass the dollar around the table and when the song stops the person who the dollar stops on “we will see who wins the centerpiece”. The first time it stops have the guest who has dollar stand up and exclaim that they are the first LOSER. Continue until last person at table is remaining. Can mix it up by saying , this round the person to left of dollar holder is out, or the person across from them is out.
Anniversary Dance
Pick a song that you know everyone will enjoy swaying to. Have your DJ or designated emcee announce that it’s time for ALL married couples to get up and join the bride and groom on the dance floor. After the first bar or two of the song, announce… “Anyone married less than 6 hours, please take a seat.” Everyone will get a chuckle out of watching the bride and groom leaving the dance floor. After a few more bars announce… “Anyone married less than 1 year take a seat.” After a few more bars announce… “Anyone married less than 5 years take a seat.
Keep doing this for each of the following marks, less than… 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, 25 years, 30 years, 35 years, 40 years and so on until one couple is left standing. Once the last couple dancing has been identified, ask the crowd to… “Please put your hands together and give them a round of applause.” If this is not already being done. Next announce to them… “Since you obviously know what it takes to make it work, would you please give the bride and groom some advice on a long happy marriage?”
Your guests will love hearing their words of advice as well as recognizing a long-lasting love.
Bouquet Garter Process
Of course there are a bunch of activities that happen at weddings that would be labeled “traditional.” These items can be modified any way and we have done them in 1000 different variations
Step 1: The Bride tosses a bouquet to all of the single ladies… 1 lucky lady catches it (or picks it up from the floor).
Things to Consider: Will there be enough single ladies or do you have mostly married couples attending?
Tip: If you have mostly married couples present, you can still throw a bouquet!!! Just invite ALL ladies to catch it.
Step 2: It’s the Groom’s turn!! As his first duty as husband, he has the privilege of removing the garter from his wife’s leg.
Things to Consider: Is the Groom comfortable in the spotlight and is the Bride’s dad watching… with evil eyes?
Tip: Find a piece of music that inspires the Groom to strut his stuff over to his new wife!
Step 3: The Groom tosses the garter to all of the single men… with special attention to 1 particular guy.
Things to Consider: Did the girl who caught the bouquet come with a date?
Tip: We can pre determine the couple to place the garter should you want to complete the cycle.
Step 4: The guy who caught the garter then has the honor to place it on the leg of the lady who caught the bouquet.
Things to Consider: Are the two people participating of appropriate age, related or did they come with someone else?
Tip: At White Rose weddings, we check with the Bride & Groom before announcing what happens next. If they say “No Go”, we get a picture of the 4 of them and dance the night away!!!